A Summary of Links to New Front Desk Staff Articles



How to set up the new staff member in D4W

  1. Add a New Staff Member

Related Topics may include: 

  1. D4W Mobile: Add new Staff for D4W Mobile

  2. Create Staff Role Positions

  3. Set or Change a Password


D4W Training

Appointment Book

  1. Change Appointment Book View: Change Appointment Book View

  2. Make an Appointment for an Existing Patient: Make an Appointment for an Existing Patient

  3. Add a New Family Head from Appointment Book: Add a New Family Head from the Appointment Book

  4. Make a Family Appointment: Make a Family Appointment

  5. Schedule Over a Prebooked Slot: Schedule over a Pre-Booked Slot

  6. Move an Appointment to Another Book: Move an Appointment to another book

  7. Mark an Appointment as Arrived, Checked In or Checked Out: Mark an Appointment as Arrived, Checked In or Out 

  8. Print an Appointment Label: Print Appointments to a Label

  9. Sending Manual Appointment Reminders and Notifications: How to send Manual Appointment Reminders and/or Notifications

  10. Scheduling Treatment Plan Visits: Scheduling Treatment Plan Visits

  11. Add a Nonstandard Slot: Add a Nonstandard Slot

  12. Insert Individual Breaks into Appointment Book: Insert individual breaks into Appointment book

  13. Add a Patient to the Standby List: Add Patient to Standby List

  14. Using the Cancelation List: Using the Cancellation List

  15. Additional Appointment Book Articles


  1. View and Manage Booked eAppointments: View and Manage Scheduled eAppointments

  2. Manage Appointment Conflicts: Managing eAppointment Patient Conflicts

  3. Book Several Appointments at Once: eAppointments: Book Several Appointments at once

  4. Create Password for a Family Member: eAppointments: Create a Password for a Family Member

  5. Book an Appointment for a Family Member: eAppointments: Book an Appointment for a Family Member

Patient Details

  1. Search for a Patient: Search for a Patient

  2. Add New Family Head from Patient Details: Add a New Family Head from the Patients tab

  3. Add New Family Member from Patient details: Add a New Family Member

  4. Show Next Appointments: Show Next Appointments

  5. Setup Patient for Insurance: Setup Patient File for Insurance Claim

  6. Setup Patient for CDBS: Setup Patient File for CDBS

  7. Add and Update Medical History: Add and Update Medical History

  8. Add an Alert to a Patient File: Add Alert to Patient File

  9. Correct Capitalisation: Capitalise Patient Names

  10. Scan to Document Manager: Scanning to Document Manager

  11. Create a Letter for a Patient: Create Letter for a Patient

  12. Additional Patient Details Articles


  1. Generate Access Code for eForms Guest User: Generate Access Code for eForms Guest user

  2. Managing Patient Conflicts: Managing eForm Patient Conflicts

  3. View Completed eForms: View Completed Patient Forms

  4. View a Patients eForms: View a Patients eForms

Insurance Claims and Payments

  1. HICAPS Quote: HICAPS Quote

  2. Create a Deposit: Create a Deposit for a Patient

  3. Allocate a Deposit: Allocate a Deposit to an Invoice

  4. Single HICAPS Claim: HICAPS: Process Single Patient Claim

  5. Family HICAPS Claim: HICAPS: Process Family Claim

  6. Discount During Invoice Creation: Discount During Invoice Creation

  7. Submit CDBS Claim: Child Dental Benefit Scheme - Claim via Bulk Bill

Bank Slips

  1. Handling End of Day Reconciliation: Handling End of Day Reconciliation

National Dental Plan (NDP) Training

  1. National Dental Plan – Applications: National Dental Plan: Applications

PatientCare Training

  1. PatientCare User Experience Presentation: PatientCare: User Experience Presentation

  2. Resolving an Alert: PatientCare: Resolving an alert

  3. Chatting to a Patient: PatientCare: Chatting to a patient

  4. Adding an Internal Note on a Patient Profile: PatientCare: Adding an internal note on a patient profile

  5. Unsubscribe Patients from Future communications: PatientCare: Unsubscribe patients from future communications

  6. Download Appointment Summary: PatientCare: Download appointment summary

Training Videos

    1. Appointment Book Usage: Video: Appointment Book Usage

    2. Enter Patient Details: Video: Enter Patient Details

    3. Medicare Bulk Billing: Video: Medicare Bulk Billing

    4. Payment and Reversal: Video: Payments and Reversals

    5. eAppointments Workflow: Video: eAppointments Workflow

    6. eForms Workflow: Video: eForms Workflow












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