Audit Trails: Discounts Applied Report


The Discounts Applied audit trail report provides a history of all discounts applied in the specified time period. 

In order for the audit trail to record who made the changes, the System Security Level must be set to Personal access. If setting is on Common Access, the report will include computer name where the discount was created.

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Setup > Security tab

  2. Record menu > Audit Trails > Discounts Applied

    1. Location: Select the practice location name (if applicable)

    2. Date: Select the period to base the report on or the from - to dates

    3. Category: Choose from options > All, Providers or Staff 

    4. Staff Members: Select an individual person from the drop list or <All>

    5. Date of Invoice: Select this radio button to list in invoice date order

    6. Date of Discount: Select this radio button to list in discount date order

    7. Show deleted Users: Tick box to show/include any deleted users on the report

    8. Click OK

Report Details

Invoice ID

The Invoice number where the discount was applied


The Discount amount

Date Discount

The date and time the discount was applied

Employee / Username


The username if Personal Access is set

The computer name if Common Access is set

Responsible Party

The name of the Patient Family Head or Responsible party

Discount Category

The name of the discount category selected when discount applied

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