eAppointments: Book an Appointment for a Family Member


If the patient has an eServices account, they can book an appointment on behalf of a family member.

Select the appointment (date and time) and reason

  1. Sign into the eService account

  2. Select Family Member or +New Member


  3. If the Family Member is selected, click the down arrowmceclip0.png

  4. Select the family member who will be attending the appointment



  5. Click Confirm

Add New Member

When making an appointment if the family member does not appear on the drop list the family member can be added whilst making the appointment.

Once the appointment (date and time) and reason has been selected

  1. Sign into the eService account

  2. Select +New Member

  3. Enter the data 

  4. Click Save

  5. Confirm the appointment

eAppointments: Book Several Appointments


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