Dental4Windows / PracticeStudio FAQ


Is Dental4Windows compatible Windows 11?

Yes, its is certified from Version i6 Build 5203 and above. Here is more information on what the system requirements are. 

Can I set up a new insurance fund myself or do I need to call support?

Yes you can do it yourself. Click here for more information. 

Do Hicaps Trinity Terminals work with Dental4Windows?

Yes, they are fully compatible. Before connecting your new Hicaps Trinity Terminal, ensure D4W is running on the latest (build 5393 or higher). This upgrade installs the Hicaps Connect v4.0.0.1. See here for more information

How to process a eftpos payment from Hicaps terminal when patient does NOT have their card or over the phone? 

HICAPS has removed the ability to send user entered card details in an EFTPOS Sale transaction, therefore the 'Enter Card Details" option is no longer available within D4W receipt Window. Manual Credit Card entries can be completed directly via the terminal. 

How do I reverse an invoice and receipt as its the wrong patient and/or provider?

There are a few steps involved to complete the reversal. Here a guide on how to do this. 

How do I set up a new provider?

There are a few things that need to be done when setting up a new provider. Here is a list of tasks to be completed when adding a new provider to your system. 

Can support set up new x-ray links?

No, please call your Sales Representative about setting up new x-ray links and once it has been organised, a member our ICS department will set it up for you. You can email or contact us at 

Why can't I print/scan from D4W/PSS?

Please check that you can print/scan outside of D4W. If you can't, please speak with your IT Technician or whoever managers your IT equipment.

What should I do if d4w gives an “Unable to connect the database engine” error?

Make sure the client computers at the practice can connect to the server computer. You may need your IT Technician to test this. If they can connect, you can call Centaur Support. 


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