eForms: Sharing a Form with Multilocation All At Once


 This feature allows practices with a multi location database to share a form to all locations under the same eService organisation.  

  1. Within D4W database

  2. Go to Location Setup > General tab > Group: eServices

  3. In Location for sharing eForms, enter the SMS surgery code for the location that the forms will be copied from e.g. AU08100

    1. SMS surgery code is found in Location Setup > General tab > Group: SMS Settings > SMS surgery code

  4. Go to Location Management > eServices tab > eForms subtab

  5. Select Enable form Sharing

  6. Within the eServices portal

  7. Go to Menu > eForms Manager

  8. Click the form to be shared

  9. Select Open in read only                                                                                     

  10. This will open the form in Form Builder

  11. Click on Share Form                                                                                                                           

  12. You will be redirected back to Form Manager

  13. A sharing process indicator will be displayed near the form that has been selected. Important, do not refresh the page, just wait for it to update                                                                                       

  14. Once the sharing process is completed. The form will be available at the other locations to view and to edit as required. In the event, the form that is being shared has another version, the old version will be automatically set to offline. The new version will be set to online                                                                                   


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