Add a New Provider


Providers must have an Appointment Book setup, and if working under their own ABN, create a new ABN and add their Bank Account. 

  1. Go to Location Management > Providers tab

  2. Operations menu > New Record

  3. Read instructions and click OK to proceed

  4. Fill in the details of the Provider. The following details are required for accurate record-keeping, reporting and claiming

    1. Title

    2. Surname

    3. First Name

    4. Provider Number 

    5. GST Number

    6. Merchant ID (ePayments and claims)

    7. Certegy ID (for National Dental Plan only)

    8. Prescriber No (for electronic prescriptions only)

    9. Fee Level (only if working with Provider-based Fees)

    10. Appointment Book

    11. SMS code (call Centaur Support for activation) 

    12. Commission (only if to be calculated on reports)

    13. Position 

After adding a Provider, setup the Bank Redirections

For easy reference in drop lists throughout the system, change the Code to the providers initials.

If you have Appointment Automation setup, the new provider needs to be added.

Other Links:

Setup Provider to Claim New Zealand (NZ) Dental Benefits Scheme 

Setup a Provider to Claim UAE eClaim 

Setup Security to access Provider tab 

For details on Medicare provider numbers for dental hygienists, dental therapists, and oral health therapists who are independently claiming under the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. See Provider numbers for Dental Hygienists, Therapists & Oral Health Therapists for CDBS claims

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