Delete Bank Slip


Depending on the reason for deleting a bank slip, follow the appropriate instructions below. 

It is highly recommended that before deleting any bank slip, the following details are noted down

  • Date and Time of Slip

  • Total Banked Amount

  • Total Cash Taken Out (if any)


Delete Bank Slip, No Payments Collected After Creation

This usually applies when a bank slip has been created by mistake, perhaps in the middle of the day, when more payments will be entered. 

  1. Go to Location Management > Bank Slips tab

  2. Find the correct bank slip by selecting 

    1. Location, Bank Account to View and Deposit Slip ID to view

  3. With the correct bank slip in view, go to Bank Slip menu > Delete Current Slip / Click Delete icon

  4. Click OK on warning message

  5. If security is activated, enter a Username and Password and if further security is activated, enter the Reason for deletion


Delete Bank Slip, Payments Collected After Creation

This usually applies when an incorrect payment has been noticed the day after (or later) a bank slip has been created and if deleted, old payments will be mixed with more recent payments. 

For an easier way to handle incorrect banked payments, setup the reversals feature and never have to complete the below steps again!


Create a Dummy Deposit Slip

  1. Go to Location Management > Bank Slips tab 

  2. Select the relevant Location and Bank Account to View

  3. Go to Bank Slips menu > Select from New Slip / EFTPOS / American Express / Diners Club

    1. Click Create on slip containing today's payments (this will be deleted later)


Delete Incorrect Deposit Slip

  1. Still within the Bank Slips tab, bring the incorrect bank slip in view

  2. Go to Bank Slip menu > Delete Current Slip / Click Delete icon

  3. Click OK on warning message

  4. If security is activated, enter a Username and Password and if further security is activated, enter the Reason for deletion


Correct Issues with Receipt

Go to the patients' file to delete / correct the payment which was incorrectly banked. 


Recreate Deposit Slip

  1. Go to Location Management > Bank Slips tab 

  2. Select the relevant Location and Bank Account to View

  3. Go to Bank Slips menu > Select from New Slip / EFTPOS / American Express / Diners Club

    1. Click Create

    2. Enter the original Date and Time of the bank slip


Delete Dummy Slip

  1. Still within the Bank Slips tab, bring the dummy bank slip in view

  2. Go to Bank Slip menu > Delete Current Slip / Click Delete icon

  3. Click OK on warning message

  4. If security is activated, enter a Username and Password and if further security is activated, enter the Reason for deletion

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