Delete (reverse) a Receipt


The follow instructions are for payments that are either NOT banked or if banked, the reversal feature is activated - highly recommended to simplify the process.


  1. Go to Patient Records > Receipts tab

  2. Highlight the receipt to reverse

  3. Click the Reverse Receipt icon

    1. For ePayment reversals, select if processing 

      1. Via HICAPS/TYRO/ANZ (Card Required)

      2. Manually

    2. Click Reverse

To see reversed details from the patients file, place a tick in Show Reversed Records. 

If the option to Manually reverse an ePayment is not available, select Via HICAPS / TYRO / ANZ (Card Required) and wait for the system to time out. This forces a manual reversal and does not go through the terminal / bank. 


Reverse a Claim

Reverse an Invoice

Setup Reversal Feature


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