Per the Clinical Tables and Grids article, the below explains the fields associated with the Endodontic table/grid.
Tooth: The Tooth ID
Cold Test: Tested whether the tooth is sensitive to cold
Radiographic Findings: Findings on the x-ray
Percussion: Tested how the tooth responds to tapping on a surface
Palpatation: Tested the sensitvity of the gingival tissue
Other: Other relevant information
Mobility: The mobility of the tooth (loose)
Heat Test: Tested whether tooth is sensitive to heat
Electric PT: Electric pulp test
Selective Anaesthesia Test: Whether the tooth has been tested with a specific anaesthetic
Transillumination: Test of light through the tooth
Pulp Polyp: Pulp polyp present or not
Perio involved: Periodontitis involved with the tooth
For more details on each table, click on the relevant link below.
RCT Clinical Notes Tables/Grids
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