Implant Clinical Notes Table/Grid


Per the Clinical Tables and Grids article, the below explains the fields associated with the Implant table/grid.

  1. Tooth: The Tooth ID

  2. System: The type of implant system used (e.g. Straumann, 3I)

  3. Diameter: The diameter of the implant (e.g. 5mm)

  4. Length: The length of the implant (e.g. 25mm)

  5. 1st Stage Date: The date of the 1st implant stage

  6. 2nd Stage Date: The date of the 2nd implant stage

  7. Prosthesis insertion date: The date the implant prosthesis was inserted

  8. Implant Failure Date: The date the implant failed

  9. Implant Failure reason: The reason the implant failed

  10. Extra Procedure: Extra procedures needed to complete the implant (e.g. bone graft)


For more details on each table, click on the relevant link below. 

Endodontic Clinical Notes Table/Grid

RCT Clinical Notes Tables/Grids


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