Audit Trails: Changed Fees in Treatment Plan Records Report


The Changed Fees in Treatment Plan Records audit trail report provides a history of all planned treatment, where the original fee value was changed in the specified time period.


Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Setup > Security tab

  2. Record menu > Audit trails > Changed FEES in Treatment Plan records report...

    1. Location: Select the location or <Any Location > from the drop list if applicable

    2. Date: Select the period to base the report on

    3. Staff Members: Select an individual staff member or <All> from drop list to see who made the change

    4. Show Deleted Users: Tick to include past employees
    5. Click OK


Report Details


The ID for the Treatment Plan line added

Treat Date

The date the Treatment Plan was created

Patient Name

The Patient the Treatment Plan was for

Old Value

The original value of the Treatment Plan line item fee

New Value

The new value of the Treatment Plan line item fee

Changing Date

The date the change was made

Employer/User Name




The employee/user who made the change. Unknown will show if security is not on changing the fee. 

Set Security on Modules/Features/Actions

Set Security Permissions


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