Webinar: NDP Refresher Training (Scheduled fortnightly)


This webinar is aimed at all staff responsible for presenting treatment plans and payment plans to the patients. It is designed to refresh your Team on how National Dental Plan works efficiently within the practice.

The following will be covered:
- How easy it is to complete an application through D4W and present to the patient
- Tips on completing an application
- Discuss the criteria the patient needs to meet to complete an application and how this can be achieved
- The introduction of the new Digital Acceptance for agreements

Presenter: Ash Nagarajan - Training Specialist and Linda Hunter - Consulting Team Lead

Scheduled:  Fortnightly webinar (AEST - Sydney, Australia) 

Duration: 60mins (Webinar + Q&A)

- Internet
- Speakers/headphones
- Download Zoom Software or Zoom App (details provided on registration)
- You can watch the Webinar from a smart phone (but it is very small, not our preferred method)

Register for Webinar



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