Setup eChat Rooms instead of Individuals Employees


Setup eChat Rooms if computers are shared daily between staff members to avoid missed messages from inappropriate use, i.e. forgetting to log in/out. 

Please be aware that this setup will not work with practices using Personal access security.

Create 'Room' Staff Members

  1. Go to Location Management > Staff tab

  2. Operations menu > New Record / Click Add icon mceclip0.png

    1. Enter a Surname and Firstname to identify the Room in eChat                  mceclip1.png

  3. Repeat for all 'Rooms'

  4. Next, ensure each 'Room' is setup to use eChat in Security 

    1. Set or Change a Password

    2. Set Security Permissions


Login as a 'Room'

When logging in to eChat, enter the Username and Password of the relevant Room, not the individual employee. Click here for instructions on using eChat.

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