Control Panel
The control panel is located to the left or right (depending on general settings) of the screen and is used to change the rotation and/or position of all teeth. Additional controls will become available when working on an individual tooth.
Rotation - All teeth
The rotation control is located on the left or right (depending on setting) of the Current Condition and Treatment Required screen and is used to rotate all teeth either by surface (B, O, and L) or the Rotation Wheel. If you have selected to ‘Synchronise View’; the Current Condition and Treatment Required will move together.
Position - All teeth
The position of all teeth can be moved by holding down ‘Ctrl’ on the keyboard while moving the mouse in the direction you wish to position the teeth.
The rotation of all teeth can be changed by holding down ‘Shift’ on the keyboard while moving the mouse in the direction you wish to rotate the teeth. You can also zoom in/out by using the mouse scroll wheel.
Right Click Options
The following options are all made available on the right click of a tooth and/or bridge.
Select Tooth
Selected tooth rotation / displacement to be altered.
Right click selected tooth
This control allows for a tooth to be repositioned. This control changes the angle of the selected tooth. This control changes the rotation of the selected tooth.
Select Bridge
This option is only available when a bridge is highlighted.
The selected bridges position can be changed by using this option.
You have the option of using the control panel or your mouse to change the rotation and position of individual teeth.
To exit out of this mode, you can right click on the tooth and select ‘undo selection’ or simply press the ‘x’ on the control panel.
Undo Selection
This option is only available when a tooth, cell or bridge is selected.
Show Connector
With this turned on, you can see the connector between teeth.
Without Connector With Connector
One Tooth Mode
The selected tooth will be the only tooth in view.
Exit One Tooth
Only available when working in One Tooth Mode.
This is used to exit that mode.
New Layer
Multiple layers can be added to a tooth.
Delete Layer
When layering is present, use to delete a layer.
Lower / Upper Layer
When layering is present, use to move between the layers.
Toggle Adult/Deciduous
This is only available when on a Mixed Chart. Charting > Show Mixed Chart > Click Yes button or No button on message depending on which view you would like (deciduous or adult) > Right click on tooth > Select ‘Toggle adult/deciduous’.
Properties/Delete Items
This option is only available when a tooth is selected.
A list of all procedures, conditions and/or notes will be displayed.
The user can delete from the list/tooth.
Bridge Properties/Delete Items
The option will only be visible when selecting a tooth that is involved in a Bridge, Denture or Pontic.
It will display all procedures, conditions and/or notes for all teeth involved.
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