-Set an Item to Indicate Treatment Plan Completed


An item number can be setup to automatically mark a treatment plan Status as Completed. For example, when item tpc is entered in the Treatment Plan tab, the Status will be updated. 

Setup Completed Plan Item

If the item does not already exist in the database, add it following the setup item instructions. The item used is up to the individual practice. 

  1. Go to Location Setup > Items tab

  2. Record menu > Find an Item

    1. Item Code: Enter the item to be setup as completed treatment plan

    2. Click Find

    3. Select item

    4. Click Go to

    5. Click Cancel

  3. With the item selected, go to Other Details sub-tab

    1. Tick Treatment Plan Complete

  4. Press F5 on keyboard to refresh


Using Treatment Plan Completed Item

Within any Treatment Plan, if the item setup above is entered, the Status will automatically change to Completed. 

  1. Go to Patient Records > Treatment Plan tab

  2. Enter item

  3. See Status: Completed




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