Procedures Done by Providers Report


The Procedures done by Providers report is a report that can be personally customised to include specific items.

This report will provide information on the amount of times an item was performed, the financial gain associated with these items and the time spent performing these items. 

Ensure the Procedures Classifications are setup for this report prior. 

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Open Procedures Done by Providers report

    1. Location: Select the location to base this report on

    2. Date: Select the date range to base this report on

    3. Show financial data only: Tick to exclude non-financial details

    4. Print providers without items performed: Tick to include providers even if they didn't perform treatment

    5. Print inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive providers

    6. Groups: Select the group(s) to base this report on

    7. Orientation: Choose the page layout

    8. Page: Select the number of pages to view the report on

    9. Click OK                                                                                                                               


Report Details

Note that this report does not take discounts into consideration, and items do not need to be included in an invoice to be calculated. When the item is present in the Treatment tab, it is considered completed.


The provider the treatment was completed by.


The number of times the item was performed in the selected period, and the financial gain from those items.

Time Norm

Calculated based on the estimated time against the items.

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