Understanding Manual Debtors


This article explains all the fields within the Debtors tab. 

Onscreen View/Filters

Invoices For

Selection of All Providers or to see individual.

On date

Shows invoices due on the entered date.

Outstanding Debtor Columns       

Responsible Party

This is the party responsible for the Payment, may not always be the patient. 


Shows the patients Date of Birth.

Instal No.

User if there are more than 1 installment for an invoice.

Date Due

Date the Invoice was due. This is normally the same date as the date the invoice was created.

Days Over

The amount of days the Invoice has been outstanding.

A minus number means not yet due.

Amount Due

Total amount of the Invoice Due


Current Balance of Invoice. Will be different to Amount Due if Patients are paying off invoices.

# - # Days (1st col)

If this column has a date in it, this is when their 1st reminder letter was sent.

# - # Days (2nd col)

If this column has a date in it, this is when their 2nd reminder letter was sent.

# - # Days (3rd col)

If this column has a date in it, this is when their 3rd reminder letter was sent.

# - # Days (4th col)

If this column has a date in it, this is when their 4th letter was sent. This template is set to send to a debt collector if choosing to use one.


Store all notes, conversations, and arrangements about the balance in this section.

Reminder Printed

Shows if a Reminder Letter was Printed or Emailed.

A/C Printed

Shows if an Invoice was Printed or Emailed.

Patient Contact Details

Patients Details, may be different from Responsible Party.


All Issued

All invoices outstanding even if they are not due yet.

All Due

All invoices that are either on or past their due date.

Over # Days

All invoices that are over the amount of days selected. 


All invoices that fall between a specified range.

Bad Debt Only

Views a list of all invoices that have been marked as a Bad Debt.

Manual Filter

Used to view invoices with specified details you enter (balance, invoice id etc).


Unselect all then Select Manually

Select multiple invoices manually by holding Ctrl+ clicking on the invoices

Rem 1, 2, 3 or 4 Highlights

Invoices without a date in the selected Reminder Period and are due.

Unselect all then Select Families

Click Patient with Multiple invoices and they will all highlight, can be printed together.

Auto Select Families

Automatically highlights all patients that have multiple invoices, can print together.

Not yet due for Rem1

Highlights all invoices not ready to be sent a Reminder Letter.



Sort by any Field in Debtors.


By Responsible Party Name.

By Due Date

Descending or Ascending sort order of Due Date.

By Balance

Highest Balance sort order.


Reminder 1

Sends the Reminder 1 Letter for highlighted Invoices.

Reminder 2

Sends the Reminder 2 Letter for highlighted Invoices.

Reminder 3

Sends the Reminder 3 Letter for highlighted Invoices.

Reminder 4

Sends the Reminder 4 Letter for highlighted Invoices.

A/C Statement

Prints the Invoice Statement for highlighted Invoices.

A/C Invoice

Prints the Invoice for highlighted Invoices.

Print List

Prints a list of all highlighted Invoices.


Prints on Envelopes for highlighted invoices.

Print List Ext.

Prints a list of highlighted invoices with a breakdown by Provider.

Hold Reminders

Hold 1 - 4

Places invoices on hold to recieve a reminder. Commonly used for third party debtors, such as DVA.

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