New Patient Names Report


The New Patient Names report will list all names of any new patients once they have attended for the practice for treatment.

If an item is marked as a non-treatment item, the patients First Seen Date will not update, therefore this patient will not be counted.

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Open New Patient Names Report

    1. Date: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the location or <Any Location > if applicable

    3. Provider: Select the Provider or <Any Provider> 

    4. Status: Select from

      1. Main Provider: The Provider selected in Patient Records > Patients tab

      2. Second Provider: The Provider selected in Patient Records > Patients tab

      3. Treatment Provider: The Provider selected for the treatment item

    5. Show inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive Providers

    6. Show totals only: Tick to hide details of the report

    7. Click OK                                                                                                                 


Report Details




The provider of the new provider, based on the Status: Main Provider, Second Provider or Treatment Provider.

Patient Name

The name of the patient.

Card Number

The card number of the patient.

Address, Suburb, Pcode, State

The address of the patient.


The date of birth of the patient.

Phones, Email

The contact details of the patient.

Total Patients for Provider

The total number of new patients for this period for the selected provider.

Total Patients for All Providers

The total number of new patients for this period for all providers.

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