Mediasuite: Device Setup Summary


Before starting to use Mediasuite, devices being used need to be set up in Mediasuite. Example: Intraoral Camera, Scanners. 

  1. Go to Capture menu > Setup (Advanced)

  2. Enter the Password as ddmmyy which is the current date e.g. 24th June 2020 would be 240620

  3. Click OK

  4. Select one of the following tabs > X-ray/TWAIN, X-Ray / Other, Other / 3D, Video, in the Device Setup dialogue box

  5. In the Device Setup window, click Add

    1. The Profile dialogue will appear; this will now search for your installed devices

    2. Change the icon picture by clicking Change Icon

    3. Select icon required                                                                               

    4. Click OK
  6. If the Automatic Image process setup is required, click Auto Processing

    1. Select your automatic settings within this area. (See 'Mediasuite: Automatic Image Process setup' topic for full details)

  7. Setup the Capture Device Settings 

    1. If the setup is required, click General Settings. (See Mediasuite: Capture Device Settings setup topic for full details).

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