-Resubscribe a Patient


When a patient unsubscribes from any communication, the system will know which reminder type they are unsubscribing from (Appointment, Recalls or Queries). For example, a patient can unsubscribe from Recall reminders, but still receive their Appointment reminders.

If the patient wishes to subscribe again, this is done manually within their patient file. Only those with security permission can complete this action. 

  1. Go to Patient Records > Patients tab

  2. Address sub-tab

  3. Click the hyperlink (blue text) against the method to resubscribe

    1. Mobile: mceclip0.png

    2. E-mail: mceclip1.png

      1. Untick the options the patients wishes to subscribe to

      2. Click OK


Set Duty of Care to Overwrite Unsubscribe Feature

Patients Unsubscribed Report

Setup Unsubscribe Feature

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