Mediasuite: Sharp


Regulate image resolution.

  1. Double mouse click on the required object in the left part of the screen (The object will be present in the screen)

  2. Tools menu > Sharp 

  3. In the 'Sharp' window, scroll (slide) the two parameters –

    1. Power: Base value is 0%. or Bound: Base value is 17

    2. Bound:  Determines the breadth of sharpening

  4. To change the sharpness:

    1. Put the mouse cursor on the regulating (control) button of the scroll

    2. Press the left mouse button and hold it in this position

    3. Move the regulating button by moving the mouse to the left or to the right

    4. After getting a desirable image, release mouse

    5. At a scroll value of 100% (1.00 Sharp), the contrast of neighbouring pixels increases at maximum, which means borders and contour lines become more solid (strengthen). The result achieved is the sharpest image possible. 

    6. In general; the higher the bound, the larger details are emphasized. However, it also depends on the image resolution and physical dimensions

    7. Click Reset default values (Power = 0, Bound = 17)

    8. Click OK or Cancel

This option is not available in the Lite version of Mediasuite

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