View the properties and diagnosis of a selected image.
Double click on the image (The object will be present in the screen)
Go to menu > Properties/Diagnoses
In the Process Properties/Diagnoses window, the selected image will be automatically shown
Date Taken: Show the date when the picture was taken
Tick Allow Date Change to allow change the date taken
- Voltage, kV: Kilo volts
- Current, mA: Current milliamps
- Exposure, ms: How many milliseconds is radiation exposure
- DICOM Modality: Will be automatically selected according to device used. Can manually select from menu to change to another DICOM Modality
Media Category: Select from drop down list
Diagnosis for the picture, if exists, will be shown in field Diagnosis
For example: Select a tooth number or multiple teeth numbers by left mouse click on the tooth number itself, then type in diagnosis notes in the area provided
If an image has any diagnoses text written against it in the "Diagnoses" field, a label icon will appear in the title of the image when opened in Mediasuite
Click Show History to view/ export any information available for this object
Select the Export formats by marking the radio button
Mark tick box to Open exported file
Click Selection to Clipboard to save to clipboard
Click Export to select files to Save As
Once the report is named, Click Save
Click OK
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