MediaSuite: Images added into wrong patient file


When using Mediasuite via D4W the images can be moved/copied to another patient (if added into the wrong patient file) via the Patients tab in D4W.

This procedure copies/moves ALL the images and can NOT be reversed.

  1. In D4W, while still in the incorrect patient file

    1. Go to > Patient Tab > Patient menu > Media Suite Objects copy….

  2. In the Find a patient window:

    1. Type in the correct patient name or card number
    2. Click Find

    3. Highlight the correct name from the list and click OK

  3.  The source patient/target patient window appears: 

    1. Source patient = the incorrect patient

    2. Target patient = the correct patient

    3. Objects to copy = number of images that will be moved/copied. (ALL images)

  4. Tick Box if you wish to Move the objects (All CMS objects of the Source patient will be deleted) from Source to target patient

    1. Images will be deleted from the source patient 

    2. Click OK to proceed
  5. The process is complete when the following message appears

    1. Click OK

To move a single image from incorrect file to correct file, export from incorrect file and import to correct file.

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