Setup Team Books


Team Books is an alternate Appointment Book setup in D4W/PSS, allowing appointments to be made in 'Rooms' rather than 'Providers/Books'. There are limitations of Team Books, particularly with regards to reporting and therefore must be discussed in detail if suitable to the practice. 

A practice either has access to the Standard Appointment Book or Team Books from the initial installation. Team Books cannot be activated by the user. 

  1. Go to Appointment Book 

  2. Options menu > Setup All Books

    1. Location: Select the location, if applicable 

    2. Type: Linear Book

    3. Click Add New

      1. Add three new books/rooms with the following identical details

        • Identical Start Time

        • Identical Finish Time

        • Identical Interval Times of 10mins                                                    

    4. Type: Team Book                                                                                   

    5. Click Add New                            

      1. Team: Select the Provider for this Team

      2. Start at and Finish at: Enter the start and finish times

      3. Select and drag and drop relevant Books to Books that belong to team                         mceclip2.png

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