This report is a summary report for Key Performance Indicators and pools data from a variety of areas of D4W/PSS and combines them into one report.
The report is for the whole practice (clinic-location) or by provider of a practice in that location.
Ensure the required features and practices are implemented for the report to calculate correctly.
Run the Report
Based on the selection of parameters, some options may be disabled (grey). The below covers all options.
Go to Location Management > Reports tab
Group: Business Intelligence Module
Open KPI-01 Report
Report Type
Standard: Select to view the report without a budget
Budget: Select to view the report with budget figures
Report for
Providers: The report options will include Providers; not available with budget type
Location: The report options will be based on Locations
Clinic: The report will be based on all Providers and Locations
Monthly: Figures will be based on a monthly basis for a financial year
Daily: Figures will be based on a daily basis for a selected period
None: Figures will be totaled for the selected period
Financial Year
Current: The report will be based on the current financial year
Previous: The report will be based on the previous financial year
Custom: Select the financial year to base the report on
Show Results as
Report: The report will be shown as figures only
Graph: The report will be show as a graph only
Both: The report will show figures and graphs
Location: Select the location if applicable; this is only shown if Providers or Location is selected above
Providers: Select the Providers to base the report on; this is only shown if Providers is selected above
Show inactive providers: Tick to include inactive Providers in the report
For calculations, use the 'Schedule of Providers': Tick if Providers share one appointment book and Schedule of Providers is setup
Click OK
Report Details
Each indicator is explained below the images.
Clinical Hours
Appointment book hours assigned as clinical work time Indicator based on:
Example A: Start Time: 9am, Finish Time: 5pm Appointments are scheduled in all hours, except 1hr for lunch (work time = no), Clinical Hours = 7hrs
Example B: Start Time: 9am, Finish Time: 5pm Appointments are scheduled in all hours, except 1hr for lunch (work time = no), the last patient checked out at 5.30pm, Clinical hours = 7.5hrs
Gross Production
The total value ($$) of Items recorded in Treatment When an item number is entered in the Treatment tab with a fee it will be added to the gross production calculation. An invoice or payment does not have to be processed for it to be included in the gross production; unaccounted treatment items will be included also. This calculation relies on the amount recorded under the treatment tab in the fee field, no discounts or refunds will affect it. |
Net Production
The total value ($$) of invoices minus any refunds or discounts Example: Total value Invoices involving Provider 1 = $10000 Total value of Discounts involving Provider 1 = $400 Total Value of Refunds involving Provider 1 = $100 Net Production for Provider 1= $9500 |
Net Production per Clinic Hour
Net Production (KPI #3) / (divide by) Clinical Hours (KPI #1) Example: Net Prod Provider 1= $9500, Clinical hour’s Provider 1 = 200, Net Prod / Clinical Hrs = $47.50 |
Direct Costs (DC)
Expense values as recorded in the treatment tab next to treatment items These expenses (e.g. Lab Expenses) have their own date values (payment date) separate from the items date. Double click in the Expenses field in the Treatment tab to access the History of Expenses box. The date under Payment Date is when this expense will be shown as a direct cost on the report. |
DC as a %
Direct costs (KPI #5) / Net Production (KPI #3) x 100 Example: (DC 150/ Net Prod 9500) x 100 = 1.58% |
Net Prod - DC
Net Production (KPI #3) minus Direct costs (KPI #5) Example: Net Prod $9500 – DC $150 = $9350 |
(Net Prod - DC) per Clinic Hour
(Net Production – Direct Costs (KPI #7) / (divide by) Clinical Hours (KPI #1) Example: $9350 / $200 = $46.75 |
Patients Seen
The count of how many patients a provider has treated in that period Reliant on:
Example: If the same patient is seen 3 times in a day (same day) at separate times, this is counted as 3. Consider it as number of appointments attended; it’s not a unique count. It doesn’t matter if it is new or existing patients. |
Patients Seen per Work Day
Patients Seen (KPI #9) / (divide by) Work Days Example: Provider 1, 128 patients seen, 18 work days that month: 128 /18 = 7.11 Work days are calculated from the Appointment Book and are those not marked as a holiday that will be included. To ensure this calculation is correct setup appointment book templates so days not working are marked as a holiday. |
New Patients Seen
A count of new patients seen per month A patient is calculated as a new patient when at least one item number is entered to the Treatment tab for the first time. When the first item number is added to Treatment, this also automatically populates the first seen date in the Patients tab. |
New Patients Seen per Work Day
New Patients Seen (KPI #11) / (divide by) Work Days Work days are calculated based on what you have setup in the appointment book. To ensure this calculation is correct setup appointment book templates so days not working are marked as a holiday. |
Spare Appointment Hours %
The percentage of unused (Spare) clinical work hours A percentage is calculated based on unused/unbooked time. Any breaks or preset slots marked as Work Time = No, will not be calculated. Use of the Checked In feature is required for appointments to be counted as used time. The white (unused) time in an appointment book should be due to inability to book a patient. |
Average Appt Treatment Time
The average length in minutes of each appointment The duration (in minutes) of each appointment can be determined from the Check In and Checkout times. The total of all durations are divided by the total number of appointments (attended) to get the average. Example: Appt 1 Check in time = 10:00AM, Checkout time = 11:00AM, appointment treat time = 60 min Appt 2 Check in time = 11:00AM, Checkout time = 11:30AM, appointment treat time = 30 min Appt 3 Check in time = 11:30AM, Checkout time = 12:30PM, appointment treat time = 60 min Average treat time = (60+30+60) / 3 = 50min. |
Average Appt Wait Time
The average length in minutes a patient was waiting to be seen The duration (in minutes) of each wait time can be determined from the difference of the Arrived and Checked In times. The total of all wait time is divided by the total number of appointments (attended) to calculate the average. Example: Appt 1 Appointed time 10AM, Arrived time = 10AM, Check in time = 10:05AM, Wait time = 5 min Appt 2 Appointed time 11AM, Arrived time = 10:50AM, Check in time = 11AM, Wait time = 0 min Appt 3 Appointed time 11:30AM, Arrived time = 11:35AM, Check in time = 11:45 AM, Wait time = 10 Average treat time = (5+0+10) / 3 = 5min |
Appt Fail to Attend
The count of patients that have the Failed To Attend Status in their appointment All appointments for the month that have the Appointment Status: FTA If the same patient cancels within the same month the KPI- 01 will count as 1 cancellation. |
FTA per Work Day
The average number of FTA’s per work day Example: FTA count = 10, Work days = 20, FTA per work day is 10/20 = 0.5 |
Appt Unable to Attend
The count of patients that have the unable to attend Status in their appointments All appointments for the month that have the Appointment Status: UTA |
UTA per Work Day
The average number of UTA’s per work day Example: UTA count = 5, Work days = 20, UTA per work day is 5/20 = 0.25 |
Treatment Plan Value
The total ($$) value in Treatment Plans created in this period (active Plans only) There are two areas of the Treatment Plan tab this refers to
Treatment Plan Value per Patient
The average treatment plan value per patient created in this period (month) The months Treatment Plan Value (KPI #20) / divided by the number of patients with Active Treatment Plans created in the same period. If the same patient has more than 1 plan in the same period (month), those plans are totaled then averaged for that patient. Example A: January 2019, 100 patients were seen, however only 11 patients had plans created, one plan was marked Inactive, the total value of Active plans was $10000, the average is 10000/10 = $1000.00 Example 2: February 2019, 3 patients had plans created, one of these patients had 2 plans created, and all plans were Active. Pat 1: Plan A Value = $1000 Pat 2: Plan B Value = $500 Pat 3: Plan C Value = $2000 Plan D Value = $750 Treatment Plan Average value per patient = (1000+500+ ((2000+750) / 2)) / 3 = (1000+500+1375) / 3 = $2875 |
Percentage Treatment Plans Completed
Percentage of treatment plans completed relative to the number that were created in that period Example: 100 new plans were created in this period and 60 plans were completed (completed from this period and/or old plans from past periods), then the % completed is 60%. It is possible that more plans can be completed than created for the same period, e.g. 110% |
Treatment Without a Plan
Work done (treatment) without the existence of a related treatment plan This is conditional on the following:
Example: A patient has treatment done in the Treatment tab; these items are not linked to any plans. System determines whether to include them in the measure or exclude these. |
Pay on the Day %
Percentage of invoices paid in full on the same day as invoice was created When a patient is invoiced and pays 100% of the invoice on the same date as treatment. Also if there is a full payment for an old outstanding invoice on this day (period), then that is counted as well. This means that the “Pay on the day %” is possible to exceed 100% Example: Pat 1 on 1/12/18 an invoice is raised for $100, and is paid on 1/12/18 $100 (100% paid) Pat 2 on 1/12/18 an invoice is raised for $200 and is paid on 1/12/18 $150 (part paid) Pat 2 on 1/12/18 an invoice is raised for $300 and nothing is paid on 1/12/18, but is paid on 2/12/18 $300 Pay on the day % = 33.33% (1 out of 3 invoices are 100% paid on the day) |
What Patients Owe
The value of all unpaid invoices (due or not) for that provider at the end of that month Bad debts are excluded. |
Percentage of Pat Reappointed
A percentage of appointments attended that made another appointment Each unique patient will have checked out with (or without) another appointment scheduled. A patient is recognised as reappointed when there is a time and date specified in the same Appointment Book. If the secondary appointment (reappointed), is booked in the same Appointment Book the report calculates the percentage against that Appointment Book. Example: 200 unique patients in a month with appointments attended and 50 of them re-appoint in the same appointment book. 50 divided by 200 = 0.25 = 25% If the secondary appointment is for a different Appointment Book the report calculates the percentage against the Location. |
Active Patients
A count of unique active patients over the last 18 Months An Active Patient is any patient who has had treatment performed (item/s added to Treatment tab) in the last 18 months. Ensure non-treatment item numbers (e.g. FTA) marked as non-treatment so those patients are not calculated. |
Net Prod per Active Patient
Net Production (KPI #3) / divided by Active patients (KPI #27) Example: Provider 1, Net Production = $9500, Active Patients = 1000, then 9500/1000 = 9.5 |
Attrition Rate
Percentage of unique patients seen in a one month period 18 months ago that don’t appear in the appointment book since that month Example: October 2018, Prv 1 patients seen: 344 212 patients from Feb 2018 were seen again April 2019, Prv 1 attrition rate: 344 – 212 = 132 When the attrition rate is calculated in the KPI-01 report for an individual provider, we report on those persons individual attrition rate irrespective of the fact that a patient may have seen another provider. When the attrition rate is calculated for the whole clinic, we report on that clinics overall attrition rate and don’t consider the individual providers. (As if the whole clinic was operating as one provider.) |
Items Usage by Group
The item usage section calculates the percentage of each group of items that were used in that period.
This section describes (as a percentage) the financial involvement of those groups of items as a percentage of the whole. When items are considered, it is irrespective of whether they are a part of an invoice or not. The items are grouped in default categories but can be customised by the user. |
Fee Type Net Production by % |
The Net Production in % figure from invoices of patients who are on the specified fee levels. |
Fee Type Net Production by Amount |
The Net Production in $$ figure from invoices of patients who are on the specified fee levels. |
Fee Type Net Production by Count |
The Net Production is a count (of patients) from invoices of patients who are on the specified fee level(s). |
Fund Type Net Production by %
The Net Production in % figure from invoices of patients who are on the specified Insurance Fund(s). I.e. total of Invoice = $ 100, health fund A paid $80 the report will show 80% for health fund A 80% and 20 % for <NONE> |
Fund Type Net Production by Amount |
The Net Production in $$ figure from invoices of patients who are on the specified Insurance Fund(s). |
Fund Type Net Production by Count |
The Net Production is a count (of patients) from invoices of patients who are on the specified Insurance Fund(s). |
Totals / Average Column
Depending on the measure, the system calculates a Total or Average. On the matter of averages, it is the average of the overall results, not just the average of each individual month. I.e. for patients seen per day, the YTD column should be the total patients seen divided by the number of days worked, NOT the average of each month’s result (the 2 approaches can give different results) |
Location YTD (Year to Date) Average
This column serves as a comparison of this provider’s average figure versus the average figures of the whole (all active providers) of that practice location.
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