Editing eForms


The steps to editing an eForm depend on the current state of the eForm. For example, if the form has never been used, it can be edited. If the form has been used - patients submitted forms - a new version of the form must be created. 

To check if an eForm has been used, see the Last Accessed and Times Accessed columns in eForm Manager.

Edit Unused Form

  1. Within the eServices portal

  2. Go to Menu mceclip0.png > Practice Management           

  3. Go to eForm Manager

    1. Ensure the form is set to Offline  

    2. Click on the Form Name hyperlink to access the form and edit       


Edit Used Form

  1. Within the eServices portal

  2. Go to Menu mceclip0.png > Practice Management           

  3. Go to eForm Manager

    1. Click Copy and select As Version                                                           

    2. Design the eForm as needed

    3. When ready to publish, ensure the previous version is deactivated

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