Generate a Treatment Plan Case Presentation Letter for Patient


With templates created, it is simple to generate a Case Presentation for a patient. 

  1. Go to Patient Records > Treatment Plan tab

  2. Treatment Plan menu > Create Case Presentation Letter                

    1. Select the template to use for this patient                                                     

    2. Click OK

      1. The template will display with the current patients' data shown in the Input Fields         mceclip2.png

      2. Make changes relevant to this patients' case/plan, additional patient data can be added using Input Fields (below image is example from MSWord)                                      mceclip0.png

      3. Go to File > Send / Print

      4. Go to File > Save and Exit

Click here to view an example of Treatment Plan Case Presentation letter.


Build a Treatment Plan Case Presentation for a Patient

View Saved Treatment Plan Case Presentations

Create Treatment Plan Case Presentation Templates

Activate Treatment Plan Case Presentation

Treatment Plan Case Presentation Input Fields

A Summary of Links to Treatment Plan Case Presentation Articles

Video: Treatment Plan Case Presentation

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