-Build a Treatment Plan Case Presentation for a Patient


With the feature activated, when items and visits are added to the Treatment Plan, the Case Presentation will build.

  1. Go to Patient Records > Treatment Plan tab

  2. Enter item numbers

  3. Specify Visit(s) and Phases if relevant, Visits are a requirement even if only one is set

  4. See the Case Presentation section showing items broken down by visits and phases if applicable

  5. Each section of the Case Presentation can be labelled and notes can be written, it is not required to add details to each, however the more information added, the better the case as they can be added to the letter via input fields

    1. Title: Double click and enter the name of the presentation, e.g. Preparing for Braces

    2. Phase #: Double click and enter the name of each phase and notes if applicable, e.g. Wisdom Tooth Extractions

    3. Visit #: Double click and enter the name of each visit and notes if applicable, e.g. Upper Extractions


Generate a Treatment Plan Case Presentation for Patient

View Saved Treatment Plan Case Presentations

Create Treatment Plan Case Presentation Templates

Activate Treatment Plan Case Presentation

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