Financial Detailed Creditors Balance


The Financial Detailed (FD) Creditors Balance Report allows you to view all credits (unallocated deposits) for a period in a selected location.

Deposits stay as credits and do not calculate in the Accounting: Invoices & Receipts over a period Report as profit until they are allocated to treatment.


Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Open FD Creditors Balance Report 

    1. Date: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the Location or <Any Location> from the droplist if applicable

    3. Show totals only: The report will show totals for the selected Location(s)

    4. Click OK                                                                mceclip0.png


Report Details



 The date of the deposit

 Customer No

 The Patient ID


 The patient's name

 Rec ID

 ID of the deposit

 Unallocated Deposits

 Total of unallocated deposits


 Total number of creditors

At the bottom of the report, you will see total amount of credits and total quantity of creditors in the selected location/s.

The quantity of creditors follows the quantity of receipts. Therefore, if one patient has two unallocated deposits, they will be counted as two creditors.

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