Practice Analytics: View Appointment Cancellations


A table can be created in the Appointment Cancellations KPI report in Practice Analytics to show the appointments that have been cancelled and the reason.

Run the Report  

  1. Click Appointment Cancellations under the KPI menu

  2. Remove current headings if not applicable by dragging and dropping to the heading list. 

  3. To build this KPI table, click and drag the below headings:

    No Px

    The number of new cancelled appopintments.

    Appointment Book

    The name of the Appointment Book

    Cancel Reason

    The cancellation reason

Filter data

Data can be filtered anywhere this icon pic_6.PNG is found. When a filter has been applied to a heading, the filter icon will turn to blue. 

  1. Click on the filter icon and select the dates you want to show 

  2. Click OK

KPI Table Details


Drill Down

  1. Click Drill Down to see more information



The format of the table can be saved in a View. This means the format of the table above is saved.

  1. Click Views

  2. Click mceclip2.png to add a View                                                                                                               

  3. Enter the name of the View and click Update                                                                                       

  4. Click Save View                                                                                                                                     

Export Data

  1. Click Export to Excel icon (top right corner)

  2. Click KPI Table or Drill Down Table

  3. Choose location of the file to be saved in

  4. Enter a File Name 

  5. Click Save

Video: Practice Analytics Overview  

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