When a patient makes an appointment a reminder can be sent prior to the appointment. The patient can then respond to the SMS and confirm the appointment.
Go to Location Management > Automation tab > Appointments sub-tab
Select the type Daily SMS reminders
Select the type (eg Run on Monday for Wednesday appts)
Set / Type sub-tab
Location: Select the location / Any Location / Batch for each Location, this reminder is for
Books: Select the books this reminder should send for, recommend all Providers
Include when: This is left blank to include all appointments.
Exclude when: Recommend selecting any Appointment Status that is to be excluded
Update the Appointment with: Tick the checkbox then select the appointment status that represents an SMS has been sent, (eg S - SMS Sent)
Overwriting status: Tick the checkbox then select the B - Appointment Notification Status. This will set the appointment with the S status instead of the B status if a Pre-Booked Appointment Notification has been sent.
Send communication to Family Head: Appointment reminder will be sent to family head only
Send single message to patients with multiple appointments: Patients with multiple appointments booked on the same day will only receive 1 SMS
Reminders sub-tab
Order the communication methods
These reminders are commonly sent via SMS due to their importance; e-mail is easily overlooked by patients.
The image below shows an example of sending via SMS and producing a phone list.
If the patient has their appointment reminder preference set as SMS, whichever is numbered 1 in the Reminders will be sent to the patient. The phone call option will generate a list of patients to be contacted that were not sent an SMS.
Setup the template using the edit icon
- See Input Fields Guide for Automated Appointment Reminders to set up the SMS template.
Daily Reminders One Day Prior to the Appointment
The following instructions are based on sending the reminder one days prior to the appointment (eg Run on Monday for Tuesday appts)
Set / Type sub-tab
Set the frequency of the reminder:
Weekly - Place a tick in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday
Set the timing:
Start date and run time
Run # of workdays before a holiday
Include patients who have appointments – Simple: Tomorrow
To check settings, click the check upcoming run dates button
Enable the schedule by placing a tick in the checkbox
Daily Reminders Two Days Prior to the Appointment
The following instructions are based on sending the reminder two days prior to the appointment (eg Run on Monday for Wednesday appts)
Set / Type sub-tab
Set the frequency of the reminder:
Weekly - Place a tick in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday
Set the timing:
Start date and run time
Run # of workdays before a holiday
Include patients who have appointments – Simple: The Day After Tomorrow
To check settings, click the check upcoming run dates button
Enable the schedule by placing a tick in the checkbox
Daily Reminders Three Days Prior to the Appointment
The following instructions are based on sending the reminder three days prior to the appointment (eg Run on Friday for Monday appts)
Set / Type sub-tab
Set the frequency of the reminder:
Weekly - Place a tick in Friday
Set the timing:
Start date and run time
Run # of workdays before a holiday
Include patients who have appointments – Simple: The Day that is 3 Days in the Future
To check settings, click the check upcoming run dates button
Enable the schedule by placing a tick in the checkbox
Daily Reminders Four Days Prior to the Appointment
The following instructions are based on sending the reminder four days prior to the appointment (eg Run on Thursday for Monday appts)
Set / Type sub-tab
Set the frequency of the reminder:
Weekly - Place a tick in Thursday
Set the timing:
Start date and run time
Run # of workdays before a holiday
Enable the schedule by placing a tick in the checkbox
Include patients who have appointments – Advanced: Is 4 days in the Future
To check settings, click the check upcoming run dates button
Enable the schedule by placing a tick in the checkbox
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