eServices: Edit Email Notifications


The practice can edit the email notification templates for:

  • New User registered

  • Appointment requested

  • Appointment declined

  • eForm submitted

  • Patient created by admin user

  1. Within the eServices portal

  2. Select mceclip0.png

  3. Select Practice Management

  4. Select Locations Management

  5. Select Notifications

  6. Select Edit Email Templates
  7. At Template name select the template to be edited from the drop listmceclip2.png

  8. At Template, edit the template                                                                    mceclip4.png

Variables (pre-filled data) can be added to the template.

  1. Click on the section in the template to specify where the variable will be displayed

  2. Click the variable from the list, and it will be placed in the selected area mceclip5.png

  3. Click Save

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