eService New Features Release Web Stable 50


The following new and enhanced features are available in Web Stable 50 and higher. Web Stable releases are automatically applied to the service; however, some features are dependent on D4W/PS too. To receive the full benefits of the eService features we recommend being on the latest build of D4W/PS. 

For instructions on how to upgrade D4W/PS, click here.

New and Enhanced Features

Provider Reasons List

Each practice or organisation can create and manage its own provider reason list - Instructions

Appointment Reason List removed

The appointment Reason list page has been removed (Internal)

Autofill of the Address Field, State, Postcode and Suburb field

When entering an address, a list of suggested addresses will appear for selection. Once the address is selected the State, Postcode and Suburb will be automatically updated.

Redirection Link and Link eForms to eAppointments are both available to the patient after making an online booking

When a patient has completed a booking online, they can be redirected to complete an eForm. When the form is completed, the patient can be redirected to a designated hyperlink. This will only happen if both link eForms to eAppointments and the redirection link have been selected.

Individual eForms can be redirected to a hyperlink after submitting

Each eForms can be set up to be redirected to any hyperlink after completing the form - Instructions

Password Strength meter

When creating or modifying a password for an eService account the user will be advised if the password is weak or strong.


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