Each provider can have its own unique appointment reasons. The practice can use the reasons from the available list or create their own reasons.
Create an Appointment Reason
Within the eServices portal
Go to Menu
> Practice Management
Select eAppointments Management
Select Providers Reason List
Surgery Name: Select the practice from the list
Practitioner Name: Select the Provider from the list
At Add reason from list
Select Add
- Enter the reason
- Select Add
Note: For Enterprise practices, place a tick at Link Reason to organisation if you want the reason to be shared with all your practices.
Add to Reason to Provider
Within the eServices portal
Go to Menu
> Practice Management
eAppointments Management
Providers Reason List
Surgery Name: Select the practice from the list
Practitioner Name: Select the Provider from the list
Select an Appointment Reason from Add reason from list and click the Plus icon
(a maximum of 20 reasons for each provider)
Change the duration of the appointment by using the -/+
- Click Save
- Reasons can be deleted or modified within Active Reasons
Repeat until all Providers and Reasons are setups as offered at the Practice
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