The patient can complete a form away from the practice using one-time login.
For this feature to be available ensure Yes is selected for Allow unregistered forms in General settings
Go to Patient
Patients Tab > Find/View menu
Send eForms link to Patient
Tick the form/s to be sent
Select Send
- Edit reminder message
- Method - select SMS or Email
- Type- select Easy Forms
- Sender - Select provider from the list
- Can modify the message but do not edit the link
- Click Send
The link sent to the patient will expire within 15 minutes of sending the message.
Patient Viewpoint
When the patient receives the SMS or email, they will click on the link within the message and this page will open.
They will also receive another SMS or email containing a code
At Confirmation code enter the code
Click OK
A form will appear for the patient to complete.
Once the form is submitted the patient will be redirected back to the eForms page
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