Financial Detailed Report for Discounts


The Financial Detailed (FD) Report for Discounts allows the user to view all discounts for a period in a selected location.


Prior Period Lock must be enabled, and the Prior Period date must be higher than 01/01/2000.

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Open FD Discounts Report 

    1. Date: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the Location or <All Locations> from the droplist if applicable

    3. Location Page Break: A new page will start for each Location

    4. All Transactions: All transactions will be included in the report

    5. All Adjustments: Not applicable for this report.

    6. PP Adjustments only: Not applicable for this report.

    7. Click OK                                                                mceclip2.png

Report Details


 Transaction ID

 The invoice/receipt ID

 Transaction Type

 The type of transaction: Discount - Discount applied to an invoice

 Effective Date

 Date of the original transaction


 ID of the patient

 Resp. for Installment

 Responsible Party of the Invoice


 Amount of the transaction

 Discount (Incl GST)

 Total amount of the discount

 GST on Discount

 GST component of the invoice (if applicable)


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