Generate a Query by Date and Procedures


The Query by Date and Procedures generates a list of patients who have had specific treatment in a period of time. 

Ensure the template(s) associated with Query by Date and Procedures are updated to suit this campaign before sending.

  1. Go to Debtors and Marketing > Queries tab

  2. Type: Query by Date and Procedures

  3. Batch Name: Enter the name of the batch, e.g. Crowns in 2019

  4. Provider: Select a Provider or All Providers
  5. Exclude the following categories: Ensure all patient categories to be excluded are selected

  6. Excl. patients not seen in: Only enter a number to exclude patients not seen in as many months

  7. ... and mailed this letter within: Only enter a number to exclude patients who have received this exact query in as many months

  8. ... and have appts over next: Only enter a number to exclude patients who have upcoming appointments in as many days

  9. Period: The period refers to the date the treatment was completed (entered in Treatment tab)

  10. Items: Enter item(s) to base the query on, e.g. 611-634

  11. Click Retrieve

  12. Highlight: All Rows, or manually select those to include

  13. Click Create Batch

  14. Print/Send

    1. Select Recall Letters

    2. Click SMS

      1. Click Select Ready

      2. Click Send

    3. Select all patients with nothing entered in the Printed column (unsent)

    4. Select Recall Letters

    5. Click E-mail

      1. When using MSWord, go to Add-ins tab > Click Send
    6. Select all patients with nothing entered in the Printed column (unsent)

    7. Select Recall Letters

    8. Click Print

      1. When using MSWord, go to Add-ins tab > Click Print               

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