Efficiency of Referral Sources (Financial Results)


This report generates a list of the financial results for a selected period of time based on referral details.

A referral source must be linked to the patient for the report to generate the correct statistics.

Run the Report

  1. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

  2. Open Efficiency of Referral Sources (Financial Results) report

    1. Date: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Location: Select the location or <All> to base this report on, if applicable

    3. Providers: Select the Provider(s) to include in the report

    4. Show inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive Providers

    5. Click OK


Report Details

Financial information is shown on the report as a $ amount and a % of the share in income for the practice.

Amounts will only be shown on this report when payment has been received. No outstanding invoice amounts will be calculated.

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