This report generates a list of all new patients for a selected period of time based on their referral details.
A referral source must be linked to the new patient for the report to generate the correct statistics.
Run the Report
Go to Location Management > Reports tab
Open Efficiency of Referral Sources (New Patients) report
Date: Select the period to base this report on
Location: Select the location or <All> to base this report on, if applicable
Show full details: Tick to see patient details in place of only number of patients
Date filter on "appointment created date": Tick to filter by the date appointment was created, otherwise date range selected above will refer to appointment date
Providers: Select the Provider(s) to include in the report
Show inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive Providers
Click OK
Report Details
New Patients |
This is a count of how many New Patients have been added to the program based on their referral details. |
Real visits |
This is a count of how many visits those listed in the New Patients column have come into the surgery and had treatment completed. |
Link Referral Details to a Patient - how did you hear about us?
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