There are four common ways to handle refund issues within Dental4Windows. As in all customer handling issues, we must always endeavour to clarify what it is the client really needs.
Refund for paid Treatment
An Item needs to be created to record in the Patient's Treatment File that a refund has been given.
Refund a Deposit
If a Patient has a deposit (credit) this can be refunded.
Create an Expense
This type of refund handling may be considered when showing the refund in D4W is not a concern. The expense incurred to the company would be noted in the accounting software.
Go to Patients Records > Treatment tab
Double click Expenses column
Click Add
Enter the Date
Select the Expense Category (if applicable)
Enter the Amount of the Refund
Insert a note explaining the reason for the refund (optional)
Click OK
Create an Expense (with adjustments)
This type of refund handling may be considered when the financial implications (eg the Invoices Debit/discount values) is not a concern.
This method of refund handling is similar to the previous step. The exception is that the item number 992 is used (Refund To Patient)
Go to Patients Records > Treatment tab
Enter the item 992
Double click Expenses column
Click Add
Enter the Date
Select the Expense Category (if applicable)
Enter the Amount of the Refund
Insert a note explaining the reason for the refund (optional)
Click OK
Create an Invoice for the Item 992 with a 100% discount
Click Create
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