Restrict Modify Treatment & Treatment Plan to Creator/ Administrator


It is possible to restrict changes made to Treatment and Treatment Plan when Dental4Windows Security Level is Personal Access. The aim is to limit/deny changes allowed by provider B if originally made by Provider A.

When the logged in user attempts a modification action (as per the following list) then the system will determine if that user is an Administrator or the Creator and process accordingly when:

  • Deleting a treatment item

  • Changing any value in the record (except Lab): Member, Prv, Ass, Date, Item, Qty, Tooth, Surface, Fee, Expenses, Nt, Service.

Setup Personal Access

  1. Go to Location Setup > General tab

  2. Group: System Settings

  3. System security level = Personal access

  4. Close and reopen D4W

  5. Go to Location Setup > General tab

  6. Group: System Settings

  7. Use Creator/ Administrator Security (for PERSONAL ACCESS ONLY) = Yes

Setup Administrator/Creator Privileges

  1. Go to Location Setup > Security tab

  2. Groups sub-tab

  3. Double click the desired Group

  4. Tick Assign as Administrator for Creator/Administrator Security

  5. All users in the group now have access to modify Treatment and Treatment Plans when created by another provider.

Treatment Plan

In Treatment Plan, the items will appear white signifying they are locked to the creator.


When in Treatment, only the original author of the treatment (or a user with creator/administrator privileges) can edit items.


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