-Setup to Use NSW Health Voucher


A Third Party and a payment method need to be setup in Dental4Windows to correctly record payment details for a patient using the NSW Health Voucher.

Setup Third Party

  1. Go to Patient Records > Patients tab

  2. Find/View menu > Third Parties list

  3. Click Add New

  4. Enter Name and contact details

  5. Click OK


Setup Payment Type

  1. Go to Location Setup > System Tables > System Tables: Methods of Payment

  2. Click Add

  3. Enter details

  4. Setup Bank Redirections for Providers


Create Fee Level

  1. Go to Location Management > Fees tab

  2. Create Fee Level for OHFFSS

  3. Refer to NSW Health website and enter fee for items


NSW Health Voucher

Payment for NSW Health Voucher Patients


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