-Payment for NSW Health Voucher Patients


This articles shows how to setup in Patient's file and process payment for NSW Health Voucher holders.

Setup Invoice Responsible Party

  1. Go to Patient Records > Patients tab > Address sub-tab

  2. Send Invoices to:

    1. Select Third Party

    2. Select Oral health Fee For Service Scheme from Now viewing droplist

    3. Click OK

Setup Fee Level for Patient

  1. Go to Patient Records > Patients tab > Insurance/Various sub-tab

  2. Select Oral Health Fee for Service Scheme (NSW) in Location Fee Level droplist


Create Invoice

  1. Go to Patient Records > Treatment tab

  2. Enter treatment items or transfer items from Treatment Plan tab

  3. Go to Itemised Invoices > New Invoice Only

  4. Make sure the Main Responsible Party is Third Party > Oral Health Fee For Service Scheme

  5. Click Create


Create Receipt

Once the voucher has been processed and OHFFSS has paid for the patient's treatment (via direct payment into the provider's nominated bank account), the payment information needs to be entered into Dental4Windows. 

  1. Go to Patient Records > Receipts tab

  2. Receipts menu > New Receipt

  3. Select Third Party > Oral Health Fee For Service Scheme from Payment from droplist

  4. Enter paid amount

  5. Select OHFFSS in Payment Type

  6. Click Create or Print


Setup to Use NSW Health Voucher

NSW Health Voucher

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