Practice Analytics: Appointment Cancellations Dashboard


The Appointment Cancellations dashboard has multiple sub-tabs showing a range of data. The user can filter the data based on their preferences.

Viewing the Dashboard

  1. Click Appointment Cancellations Dashboard
  1. Enter filters preferences

    1. Period: Select the period to base this dashboard on

    2. Location: Select the location or <All> to base this dashboard on, if applicable

    3. Provider: Select the Provider(s) or <All> to include in the dashboard

    4. Active: Tick to show only Active providers

    5. Click Apply


# Cancellations

The # Cancellations sub-tab displays data in pie and graph format, showing the number of appointments versus cancellations for the selected filter period.

Total Appointments

The count of appointments that exist in the Cancellation List as well as the Appointment Book for the selected period.

Total Cancellations

The count of appointments that exist in the Cancellation List as well as appointments in the book that do not exist in the Cancellation List but have an FTA / UTA status for the selected period.  


The number of appointments that exist in the Cancellation List and the Appointment Book with an FTA status/reason for the selected period. Any appointments that are in both the Appointment Book and the Cancellation list will only be included once.


The number of appointments that exist in the Cancellation List and the Appointment Book with an UTA status/reason for the selected period. Any appointments that are in both the Appointment Book and the Cancellation list will only be included once.


The number of appointments that exist in the Cancellation List with the reason being anything other than FTA or UTA for the selected period.


% Cancellations

The % Cancellations sub-tab displays data in graph format, showing the percentage of cancellations for the selected filter period.

Cancellation Reasons

The Cancellation Reasons sub-tab displays data in graph format, showing the number of cancellations by reason for the selected filter period.

Video: Practice Analytics Overview

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