Commonly Used Reports


Daily Reports

At the beginning of the day 

  1. Go to Appointment Book > Reports menu

    1. Huddle Checklist (BIM module)
    2. Status reports 

At the end of the day 

  1. Go to Appointment Book > Reports menu

    1. Appointment Attended with no Treatment recorded 
  2. Go to Location Management > Reports tab

    1. Unprinted Invoices
    2. Accounting: Invoices and Receipts over a period
    3. Items Performed over a period
    4. Total Receipts or Total Receipts with Providers 

Database Review/KPI Reports 

  1. Go to Appointment Book > Reports menu

    1. Planned Production Report 

  2. Go to Location Management > Reports tab 

    1. Discount Category Report 
    2. Unallocated Deposit Report 
    3. GST report
    4. Expenses Category reports
    5. New Patient
    6. Patient category 
    7. Patient Unsubscribed 
    8. Active patients
    9. Efficiency of Referrals Source (Financial Results)
    10. Efficiency of Referrals Source (New Patients)
    11. Treatment Plan status
    12. Treatment Plan Analysis (BIM module)
    13. KPI-01 (BIM module) 
  3. Go to Location Setup > Security tab

    1. Audit Trails 


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