User-Defined Query - Capture first year expenditures for patients



User-Defined Queries allow for multiple templates and filters to be created specifically for a topic.

This is in place of working off the one template for Simple or Extended Queries, which require the user to overwrite previous templates in Mail Merge.

Create Query

  1. Go to Debtors and Marketing > Queries tab

  2. Queries menu > Create User-Defined Query

    1. Name: Enter the name of the query.

    2. Select the filter to be used

    3. Change using Simple Wizard 

      1. Enter the New Filter Criteria.

      2. Click OK

    4. Click Exit

  3. Next, setup the Letter/E-mail/SMS Template(s) for this query

  4. Generate a Batch using the User-Defined Query

  5. Right-click on patients Card No. > Go To > Receipts.


Receipt History 

Once the above query has been run, check the receipt history for each patient in the list.

  1. Go to Patient Records > Receipts tab 

  2. Reports menu > Receipts History 

    1. Date: Select the period to base this report on

    2. Header of: Select the Provider whose page header you would like to use

    3. Show inactive providers as well: Tick to include inactive Providers

Edit a User-Defined Query Filter



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