Practice Analytics: New Patients Dashboard


The New Patients dashboard has multiple sub-tabs showing a range of data. The user can filter the data based on their preferences.

Viewing the Dashboard

  1. Click New Patients Dashboard

  2. Enter filters preferences

    1. Period: Select the period to base this dashboard on

    2. Location: Select the location or <All> to base this dashboard on, if applicable

    3. Provider: Select the Provider(s) or <All> to include in the dashboard

    4. Active: Tick to show only Active providers

    5. Click Apply

New Patients

The New Patients sub-tab displays data in a line diagram format, showing the number of new patients for the selected filter period.


The total sum of new patients treated that meet the filter settings

# With Treatment Plan 

A count of the new patients from the Total with treatment plans on their first visit

$ With Treatment Plan

The sum (in dollar value) of the treatment plans created for new patients (as per filter settings) during their first visit

Subsequent Appointments

A count of the new patients from the Total who has at least one appointment after the first treatment date


Referral Statistics

The Referral Statistics sub-tab displays data in a pie chart format, showing the referral sources for new patients for the selected filter period.

New Patient by Referral 

Shows the number of new patients split by ‘defined’ and ‘not defined’. Data showing ‘not defined’ will only appear if new patients exist without a referral selected

Defined Referrals

Shows the number of patient referrals broken down by each referral type


Items Performed

The Items Performed sub-tab displays data in a column chart format, showing the top 5 items performed for new patients for the selected filter period.

Top 5 Items Performed on New Patients

Shows the top 5 items that were performed on new patients within the filter settings

$ Top 5 Items Performed on New Patients

Shows the amount earnt from the top 5 items performed on new patients within the filter settings


Age Demographic

The Age Demographic sub-tab displays data in a stacked area diagram, showing the number of new patients by their age.

Video: Practice Analytics Overview

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