D4W Mobile App: Update Password for D4W Mobile


For security purposes, connecting to D4W Mobile requires a complex password, which the user's current D4W password may not meet.

The user's password in D4W can be updated to meet the requirements.

  1. Go to Location Setup > Security tab > Users sub-tab

  2. Double click on the relevant user 

    1. Click Password

      1. Enter the password

      2. Click OK

    2. Click OK

D4W Mobile password restrictions:

  1. When Mobile App is connecting to Dental4Web (D4Web): 

    Username cannot be within the password

    Minimum number of lowercase letters: 1

    Minimum number of uppercase letters: 1

    Minimum number of digits:1

    Maximum password length: 10

    Minimum password length: 8

    Minimum unique of special symbols: 2

    Special symbols used for password: @#$^*()-+=

    Example: @Water1#

  2. When Mobile App is connecting to D4W ( Desktop version) or D4W Cloud:

    Maximum password length: 10

    Minimum password length: 8

    Password is not case sensitive, and no special symbols permitted

    Example: water123

Please note by using an insecure password you are increasing the risk that your data may be accessed by malicious actors which could result in theft of your patient's and/or practices information. This could be classified as a Data Breach which has implications under the Australian Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) Scheme as well as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Centaur strongly advises the use of secure passwords in all areas of your business.

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