Prosthetist: Entering Treatment Records



  1. Go to Patient Details > Treatment tab

  2. Change the provider code in the Prv column to the Dental Assistant. 

    1. If the Dental Assistant is working alongside multiple dentists, select the Dental Assistant record that corresponds to the dentist who has instructed the DA. This will ensure the correct provider ID is used when claiming private health insurance via the Payment Solution link (eg Hicaps).


With the dental clinic as Head of Family, each lab job for each patient of the dentist can be viewed in Treatment. This will show all jobs created as well as those with an outstanding balance.

Each invoice generated from Treatment should be created for the patient only, not as a ‘family account’ for all patients. This can be done by deselecting the highlighted patients.

This way an invoice can be attached with the lab work for that specific patient.


Prosthetist: Appointment Book Setup and Usage

Prosthetist: Setup Patient's file 

Prosthetist: Entering Payment




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