Mediasuite: DICOM Query/Retrieve SCU


The Query / Retrieve feature allows you to search and retrieve Patient, Study, Series and Image data from other DICOM workstations or DICOM archives (PACS).

This is an optional module, for more information contact your Sales representative - Click here

  1. Go to DICOM menu > Select DICOM Query/Retrieve

    1. Query Patients table

      1. Patient Name: Enter patient's name or 

      2. Patient Card No: Enter patient's card number

      3. Press Query mceclip0.png

      4. Tick the Patient ID to query on those studies

    2. Query Studies table

      1. Press Querymceclip2.png

      2. Tick the Patient ID to query on those series 

    3. Query Series table 

      1. Press Querymceclip3.png

      2. Tick the Study ID to query on those series


    4. Press Retrieve to imports the images of these series to the current patient

      The patients’ details of the retrieved images are ignored and not saved in the database as the images are allocated to the current patient.

    5. Click Close
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